woensdag 26 januari 2011

Pair jailed for Trafalgar Square homophobic killing

A couple have been jailed for manslaughter. A 62 year old man, Ian Baynham, was assaulted outside Afica house in September 2009. As he lay unconscious, he was punched by Joel Alexander (20) and then repeatedly stamped on by Ruby Thomas(19). The Old Bailey jailed Thomas and Alexander for seven years and six years respectively. Former public schoolgirl Thomas, of Anerly south-east London has been drinking before she hurled obscene abuse at Mr Baynham. 18 days after the assault in central London Mr Baynham died. Police found evidence on her handbag and the ballet pumps she was wearing as she kicked him. Thomas is blamed by the judge for sparking the violence that led to Mr Baynham’s death.

Reaction: It is very shocking to read this news. How can this happen that a young girl from a public school would do such a thing? She may have a lot of psychological and serious drinking problems otherwise you would not do this. she only geta seven years and six years respective. Maybe it is also a good idea to give this people some therapies for their behavior. According to some critics the British schools continue to fail to tackle the homophobic bullying. But in this case it is not only the homophobic problems but also the behavior of these teenagers. They have certainly issues with their manners and also there alcohol abuse. The alcohol is maybe the biggest problem for the youth in Britain.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. In 2011 it is no longer strange when someone is gay. Apparently there are still people who can not accept this. I think it is horrible that this is still happening in England. It might be a good plan to give information on students, they have to see homos are not different than other people.

  2. I think alcohol is one of the biggest problems for not only the youth in Britain but for Humanity. For example, according to statistics there are 150 death cases every year due to drunk driving. Not in Britain but in the Netherlands.
